5 Unexpected Traits that Can Predict Startup Success

Sometimes, the best way to spot future startup success is by noticing the things most people overlook.

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5 Unexpected Traits that Can Predict Startup Success
Sometimes, the best way to spot future startup success is by noticing the things most people overlook.

When trying to identify founders who will go on to build successful companies, the usual qualities—ambition, intelligence, a good idea—come to mind. But after observing countless entrepreneurs, certain less obvious traits seem to pop up again and again in those who end up breaking through. Here are five surprising signs that a founder might be headed for success.

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1. Comfortable With Discomfort

The most successful founders are the ones who are okay with being uncomfortable—whether it’s stepping into unfamiliar industries, being told "no" a hundred times, or building something no one else sees the potential in yet. These individuals don’t shy away from discomfort but embrace it as part of their journey. This resilience helps them persist when the going gets tough, while others may fold under pressure.

2. They Don’t Wait for Permission

These founders don't sit around waiting for perfect conditions. They act. Whether they’re launching a product before it's perfect or making a major pivot with little information, they’re quick to move when they sense an opportunity. The ability to act fast and deal with the consequences later is a key advantage in the fast-moving world of startups, where waiting can often mean missed opportunities.

3. Curious About the Unrelated

Oddly enough, some of the best founders have a passion for learning about things that seem completely unrelated to their work. From reading about ancient history to trying out photography, they enjoy stepping out of their core discipline. This curiosity broadens their thinking and can lead to unexpected connections or innovations they wouldn’t have otherwise found. It’s often the unrelated knowledge that sparks the most creative solutions.

4. Masters of Emotional Intelligence

Surprisingly, the most successful founders often have high emotional intelligence. They can read a room, pick up on unsaid signals, and manage their own emotions in high-pressure situations. This ability helps them navigate negotiations, rally their teams during tough times, and manage relationships with investors and clients. Founders who can stay calm and adaptable in emotionally charged environments are more likely to make it through the stormy days of running a startup.

5. They Fail Quickly and Learn Faster

Founders who make it big tend to have no fear of failing early on. But what really sets them apart is their ability to learn quickly from those failures. They make changes, adapt, and try again. Rather than being emotionally tied to any single idea or strategy, they’re open to changing course when necessary. This trait—failing fast and learning even faster—keeps them ahead of the competition and helps them find the right path to success.


While we often think of intelligence, passion, and hard work as key ingredients to startup success, these less obvious traits are often just as important. If you’re a founder looking to improve your chances, or an investor searching for the next big thing, start looking for these unexpected patterns. Sometimes, success is found in the things no one else is paying attention to.

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