Why Jeff Bezos Prefers Memos Over Slides

How Detailed Writing and Focused Discussions Elevate Meetings

Hey Business Mavericks! 🚀

Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, is known for his unconventional but highly effective approach to meetings. Instead of relying on flashy presentations, Bezos advocates for thorough, detailed memos that foster deeper discussions and better decision-making. His unique methods have played a crucial role in Amazon's remarkable growth and innovation.

Rethinking Meeting Formats
For Bezos, the key to a successful meeting is preparation. Instead of using PowerPoint slides, he mandates that meeting organizers prepare in-depth six-page memos. Crafting these memos requires a significant investment of time and effort, but they ensure that the critical information is laid out clearly for the entire team.

Why Memos Work Better Than Slides
Bezos’s preference for memos stems from their ability to promote clearer, more structured thinking. Slide presentations can often gloss over incomplete ideas, while writing a detailed memo forces the author to fully develop their thoughts. This method leads to richer, more productive discussions as everyone enters the meeting with a comprehensive understanding of the topic.

The Amazon Meeting Format
At both Amazon and Blue Origin, meetings start with a quiet period where everyone reads the prepared memo for 30 minutes. This ensures that everyone is on the same page before discussions begin. The goal is to foster a candid and dynamic conversation, where participants are encouraged to dive deep, ask tough questions, and thoroughly explore the topic without settling for easy compromises.

The "Two-Pizza Rule"
To keep meetings efficient and ensure active participation, Bezos enforces the "two-pizza rule." This rule dictates that meetings should be small enough that two pizzas can comfortably feed the group. By limiting the number of participants, Bezos ensures that each person has the opportunity to contribute meaningfully.

The "Day 1" Mindset
Bezos has long championed a “Day 1” philosophy at Amazon, urging employees to think like it’s the first day of a startup—full of energy, agility, and innovation. This mindset has helped Amazon maintain its focus on customers and innovation, even as the company scaled to global dominance.

Key Takeaways
Bezos’s meeting style emphasizes the value of preparation, clear communication, and meaningful discussion. By using memos over slides and keeping meetings small, leaders can promote a culture of deep understanding and better decision-making, allowing their organizations to stay innovative and focused.

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