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From Side Project to $36K/Month Success: The Size Chart Revolution

Discover how a simple solution to sizing issues in e-commerce became a thriving business.

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From Side Project to $36K/Month Success: The Size Chart Revolution

Today, we dive into the story of Sam, a former software engineer who transformed a seemingly mundane problem into a highly profitable venture. Kiwi Sizing, an app designed to tackle sizing inaccuracies in online clothing stores, now generates $36,000 in monthly revenue and supports over 13,000 active stores worldwide.

The Beginning of Kiwi Sizing
Sam’s entrepreneurial journey began with a dropshipping store that sold dog clothing and pet accessories. He soon encountered a frustrating problem—setting up accurate size charts for his products. Vendors provided measurements in centimeters, which required manual conversion to inches for each new product.

Recognizing this time-consuming challenge, Sam decided to use his software engineering skills to develop a tool that would automate the process, and Kiwi Sizing was born.

Turning an Idea into a Business

  • Prototyping and Development: In December 2017, Sam began working on the first version of Kiwi Sizing, dedicating his free time to build a simple app that automatically converted measurements between centimeters and inches.

  • Beta Testing and Feedback: After releasing a beta version to select users, Sam gathered feedback and refined the app’s functionality based on real-world use cases.

  • Official Launch: Kiwi Sizing officially launched on the Shopify app store in March 2018. Initially, growth was slow, but introducing a freemium model helped increase user adoption significantly.

  • Continuous Improvement: Sam handled customer support directly, allowing him to gather feedback and make continuous updates to improve the app’s performance and meet users’ needs.

Effective Growth Strategies

To scale Kiwi Sizing from a side project into a successful business, Sam employed several strategic marketing initiatives:

  • Optimizing the App Store Listing: A clear, informative, and appealing listing helped attract more users to the app.

  • Leveraging Positive Reviews: Encouraging satisfied users to leave reviews improved the app’s visibility and rankings on the app store.

  • Content Marketing: Sam created educational content on common e-commerce sizing issues, establishing Kiwi Sizing as a go-to resource for online store owners.

  • Community Engagement: Active participation in e-commerce forums and direct engagement with customers helped build a loyal user base.

  • Freemium Model: Offering a free plan allowed users to try the app before committing to a paid subscription, boosting initial adoption.

  • Referral and Affiliate Programs: Sam expanded the app’s reach through partnerships with influencers and a referral program that incentivized users to spread the word.

Revenue Model and Growth

Kiwi Sizing’s revenue comes primarily from tiered subscription plans designed to cater to the needs of various e-commerce stores. Here are some key financial insights:

  • Gross Margin: Approximately 75%, showing strong profitability.

  • Cost Structure: The primary costs include software hosting and personnel.

  • Active Stores: Kiwi Sizing currently supports over 14,000 active stores, with around 400 new stores joining every month.

  • Organic Traffic: The main website sees around 3,000 visits monthly, with effective SEO strategies driving significant organic growth.

Key Takeaways from Kiwi Sizing’s Success

  1. Persistence Leads to Success: Growth doesn’t always happen overnight; consistent effort and iteration are key.

  2. Customer-Centric Focus: Engaging directly with customers is essential to understanding their needs and providing valuable solutions.

  3. Seize Early Opportunities: Entering a market early or identifying an underserved niche can provide a strong competitive advantage.

  4. Continuous Improvement: Regular updates based on user feedback help maintain a product’s relevance and competitive edge.

  5. Diversification is Key: Expanding beyond a single platform or market helps sustain long-term growth.

Kiwi Sizing’s journey from a personal challenge to a profitable business demonstrates how solving specific pain points with an effective solution can lead to significant success. Sam’s story emphasizes the importance of customer focus, persistence, and strategic marketing in building a thriving venture.

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